Message to Patients
For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to do my part to make a difference in this world as a caring, compassionate physician. For 18 years as an independent physician, I’ve been privileged to provide the highest quality of care and attention to my patients, always putting their needs at the center of the healthcare experience.
However, in recent years, the medical landscape has made practicing in this way unmanageable and unsustainable. I am deeply concerned with the many limitations of the current system and its negative impact on patient care. Consider that the average patient visit in a traditional practice is just 10 minutes…yet much more time is needed to answer questions, address concerns and effectively treat the whole patient. As a result, long waiting times at an office visit have become standard and my time is in ever shorter supply. My patients are frustrated and I’m frustrated. A change is urgently needed.
Patient focused medicine delivers that change, and allows me to offer the best medical care possible. My patients need – and deserve – this kind of care. The highly personalized approach in my patient focused practice will enable us to enhance our vital physician-patient relationship, resolve complex problems and focus on meaningful preventive care. Patients will continue to have me as their passionate healthcare advocate, available whenever they need me. Care will be coordinated seamlessly to the specialist, to the hospital, or to home, by the doctor who knows you best.
Together, we can break through the boundaries of today’s healthcare system, and redefine the meaning of a truly patient focused experience. I hope you’ll join me.
Adam M. Rubinstein, MD